San Diego’s Black Girl Magic
Are you looking to buy a home? Looking for a new hair style because it’s a new year, new you? Or are you ready to get fit and start living healthy or are you ready to launch your own business and walk in your purpose. Will look no further, San Diego has that Black Girl Magic and its right here in Sunny San Diego! From Salon owners, Real Estate Broker to Gym Owners. The women of San Diego are making moves in all fields of business. The Hashtag #BlackGirlMagic symbolizes the power of these phenomenal women here and around the world. In the Nielsen Company’s latest consumer report references “#BlackGirlMagic” to describe power the power of the black woman stating:” While it started as a social media hashtag and rallying call for Black women and girls to share images, ideas and sources of pride in themselves and other Black females, it has also become an illustration of Black women’s unique place of power at the intersection of culture, commerce and consciousness.” African-American women are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S. According to the“2015 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report” The growth rate is 1.5 times the national average. With over 1.3 million business owned by black women.
Support the Black Women of San Diego in business and find their business listed in Black San Diego Directory.